Mattes moi ça, les deux fautes qui sont dans le texte français sont à la demande du commendataire.
- :
- Order each sentence in two different ways.
a.Where faintly he running them lay he heard
Answer :
1.Where he faintly heard them, he lay runing
2.He lay runing, where he faintly heard them.
b.Where he crowd the form know came didn't
Answer :
1.He didn't know from where the crowd came from
2.The crowd didn't know from he came from.
2.Break these sentence down in five differents sentence, making any necessary changes.
a. Asked about it by the repporters, he looked down and, obviously making an answer on the spot, said that he had once been poor and might be again.
Answer : Walking in the street he met journalists. The Reporters asked him the folowing : "How di you became that rich?" "What is the secret for having a stable life?" . Caught off guard, he began to look down and think. Then he started making an answer on the spot : "My life isn't as stable as one might think, I did get out of my humble origines by taking gamble, and I still live of those risky gamble today, it might one day bring me back to where I came from."
b.Henry could not relinquish the role of father, and as Edsel tried to find the ground he occupied Henry tried to push him back into dependance, capriciously overturning the decision Edsel made as president and humiliating him in front of others.
Answer :Henry founded a society. Esdel became president. Esdel began to menace the fatherly role of Henry with his position. Henry couldn't bear it. Henry tried to push Edsel back into dependance, capriciously overturning the decision Esdel made as a president and humiliating in front of others.
- Join the following into one sentence, making any necessary changes.
Getting mixed up with the web was a frightning sensation. I knew the triantalope must be at some point attached to it. I attempted to forstall the sensation. I inched forward very slowly. I had one hand held out.
Answer : I attempted to forstall the frightening sensation of getting mixed up with the web, I inched forward very slowly, handing out the triantalope attached (by the web) to my hand.
- Translate the following in your native language.
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Envoyé: Lundi 3 Juin 2019 17:27:32
Objet: [CoinEx] French Translation Challenge Preliminary Test
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