Je pense que tout simplement DSK était l'homme à abattre car la France entière attendait l'annonce de sa candidature ou pas aux élections!
Les sondages étaient en sa faveur!
Tous savaient, l'entourage politique aussi.... mais ses adversaires s'en sont servis pour lui tendre un piège et le discréditer
Si on devait éliminer tous les politiciens qui ont des vies sexuelles non "conformes" il n'y aurait pas beaucoup de candidats.
Vie privée et vie publique.
Que nous appartient il de savoir sur un candidat président?
Je cite:
Paris Sex Clubs: They're Everywhere
By Karen Fawcett
website image from Les Chandelles
If sex is on your mind and you’re feeling experimental, France is undoubtedly the place to go if you’re a swinger. And swinging takes on many different forms and positions.
There are more than 400 clubs échangistes in France and don’t assume that a door marked Club Privé in one of Paris’s tonier neighborhoods is reserved for members who want to discuss philosophy. Natives and tourists mix without a language barrier.
If you imagine these clubs are seedy, think again. Some are extremely elegant, and you’ll encounter diplomats, businessmen, women executives and socialites. Don’t be shocked if you bump into members of the French Parliament—that is, if you recognize him or her wearing something other than a suit and tie with a (perhaps) Légion d’Honneur on the jacket’s lapel. ??????????? was a well-known habitué of Les Chandelles.
In other words, people from every stratum of social and economic life participate and don’t feel the need to hide. "It's become a leisure activity, like going to the theatre or the cinema," says Alain Plumey, curator of Paris’s Musée de l'Érotisme.
Some clubs can be hard on your ego. At Les Chandelles, located at 1, rue Therese in the 1ème, it is very difficult to get by the bouncer… uh, doorman, who imposes his own taste on the clientèle. There is a regular, for example, who doesn't have to stand in line for a once-over. He checks his coat and personal belongings and heads down the winding stairs (one does make an entrance) and can do whatever consensual adults... consent to do. You can't help wondering whether or not business (and I don't mean funny business) is occasionally transacted.
Women are expected to appear in tenue sexy. And that certainly doesn't mean: elegant pants. If you’re one of the chosen few (and it’s best to go with a regular), you’ll undoubtedly see women wearing some of the sexiest and most expensive underwear designed anywhere and I’m not referring to Carter’s Spanky pants.
During the fashion shows, the clubs get hot. Don’t get the impression that everyone is participating and exchanging partners. Some people are there simply to watch because they find it erotic and exotic. Other people are quick to say that a night spent in these clubs adds a bit of spice to their marriages.
Many clubs serve meals, some of which are classified as gourmet. Others offer sandwiches and other nibbles to boost people’s energy level. In all cases, they are very expensive—and you’ll do better to have something before you go, though maybe going on a full stomach is not the best ideal.......... ... verywhere/