J'écris un livre, moi.
Une histoire se passant en 2027...
J'en suis à pres de 3000 mots.
En parlant d'histoire? qu'elle est cette histoire?
Ben euh... euh.... EUHHH.... Je n'ai pas vraiment de scenario, j'ecris comme bon me semble, au fur et à mesure, suivant mon inspiration.
Enfait, c'est une sorte d'autofiction... pour le moment, on a découvert l'appartement du héros (mon alter ego, avec une personalité similaire à celles que j'estime avoir), on découvre certaines avancées technologiques de l'époque, on découvre mon voisin -futur ami (qui n'est rien d'autre que l'un de mes meilleurs amis dans la vrai vie, avec, pareil, une personalité similaire à celle que je trouve qu'il possede)...
Premier chapitre, on pose le décor, on pose "l'histoire" (premier jour d'unif, alter égo jeune (17 ans), caractère de ce dernier...)
J'ai essayai d'introduire petits à petits la libéralisation future.
Je veux dire... il sera présent dans l'histoire extraordinerement peu de "couples" comme on l'entend aujourdhui, plus de mariage civil, une homoséxualité présente, affichée, et qui ne choque plus personne... Une socio-démocratie d'un coté, un monde libéral de l'autre. Peut etre (j'hésite encore) une Union Soviétique aussi...
Enfin bref.
Qui veut lire le premier chapitre (le seul plus ou moins terminer)?
Il est tres court comparé aux autres (1000 mots), et se lit tres vite, donc.
Par contre........ c'est en Anglais... :!:
Bonne lecture!
My alarm implant woke me up slowly. It was just 5 o clock. I gently got up, and sat on the bed for a couple seconds. I thought how incredible it is that these implants manage to "tell your brain to prepare for waking up", as they say in the ad', slowly readjusting heart rate and muscle activity. Before, I had to go to bed at 11 and wake up at 6 if I wanted to be "fresh" right away. With this new invention, I go to bed at 1 and wake up at 5, practically ready to do a marathon. Technology really made our life better, in some points. I mean, just thinking about all the options of my advanced brain implant... The Memo, the telepathy control, the clock, the agenda... Everything I don't want to forget, I can just record it for later as a MPG-11 movie; No need of remote control for the TV, I just think deeply and my brain changes the channel! no need of wasting time making toasts, I directly command my robot through some kind of virtual telepathy (in fact it's just some random radar-kind-of-wave) so he can have everything ready before I come down the stairs! And that's not only that... I also have lungs implant: I could practically swim and breath underwater! Okay, seriously, it "just" cleans out the air: no need of lousy gas mask anymore...
Enough of technologic philosophy for now. I needed a shower. Badly: my hair was greasy from yesterday's gel... I headed to my bathroom, carefully avoiding the nail that was sticking-out of the floor. I should get that fixed someday as I doubt there will be any "implant" for that any soon... After having this thing done, I ordered -I like that word-, directly from the bathroom, my robot to prepare my breakfast. Something big. Big for a big day: first day of university. I should have moved to a new and smaller flat by now, but I just couldn't find any... I should have looked earlier. Being lazy sure doesn't pay off. I went down the stairs and entered my kitchen. At my surprise, my robot had misunderstood my command. He didn't do anything. I repeated over and over the commands to have him make my toast... No reactions? I quickly assumed that I'd forgotten to plug-in this piece of junk: I should have realised it didn't confirm my command... Stupid lousy machines, don't plug them, and they cannot do anything anymore. It's like if my heart stopped, all my implants would run out of energy... not like I would really need them anymore, but still, I was convinced that there should be a backup battery on every robot, automated or not.
And there I was, making my own toasts... And I realised it wasn't such a chore. In fact, I realised I pretty much enjoyed it. It had been years since I hadn't prepared my own -or anybody's-breakfast: the robots always did it for me. One, two, three, four, five grilled toast with honey. I found them especially good, today, and I quickly understood that it wasn't just because I was specially hungry.. I felt funny: what I first considered as a very annoying task, for years, turned out to be very relaxing and the results were more than encouraging. I decided I wouldn't have my robot do the breakfast systematically. I plugged the robot, for it to recharge, and I started eating.
Having finished my breakfast, I ordered the robot to clean the table. That, I wasn't prepared to do myself! I headed again upstairs, to dress up and brush my teeth. This was the thing I hated the most. Brushing my teeth... I couldn't believe that we, technologically modified humans, still had to brush our teeth in the 21st century. There should be an implant for fresh breath. Meanwhile, we are condemned to brush our teeth and to chew sugar-free chewing-gums. I thought whatever, and brushed them. I looked in the mirror and saw my smily face. I laughed and turned back. I opened my closet and chose my favorite suit... All pimped out black suit. In 2 seconds I was dressed up. I looked at myself in the mirror once more, and laughed an another time. I really should stop that annoying giggling habit. I turned on the tap and grabbed my hair gel and my comb and did my hair, james bond style: all the way on the back. I was drying them out with the hairdryer when my clock implant reminded me that it was time for me to go catch the tram... I grabbed my white hat and tried to glide downstairs, almost managing to fall, break my cleaning robot and my neck. I laughed once more as I was leaning down to take my hat, which had fallen in my gliding attempt. I glanced at my reflection, grabbed my keys and my bag as I left my apartment.
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