Des anarchistes ont occupé pendant près de neuf heures les locaux de Syriza, occupation estimé "incompréhensible" par le parti. Pour une histoire de prisons. ... ege-syriza
Des concessions du parti "souverainiste", tout juste fin Février : ... de-tsipras
Des privatisations auront bien lieu. Pas de gel de la TVA, pas de treizième mois pour les retraités, des réformes apparemment reportées/abandonnées journellement.
Ses marches de manœuvre restreintes vis-à-vis des créanciers : ... vails.html
"To make Greece's official creditors abide by its terms, the Greek government took to theatrical posturing, promising Greece's own version of Cold War-era mutually assured destruction. Tsipras and his finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis, sent a message to Greece's creditors: If you don't accept our conditions, Greece might go bankrupt, which would provoke a Continent-wide financial crisis and put in jeopardy the very existence of the euro.
The problem is, the Greek government had no way to intimidate its official creditors. The worst-case scenario, namely a Greek default followed by Greece's departure from the euro, has ceased to be perceived by Greece's partners as a catastrophe - the eurozone has put in place institutional firewalls to cope with that eventuality."
La Troïka persiste sous une différente appellation :
"The troika will continue to exercise its functions, but under a different name. It will henceforth be called "the three institutions." And the policy reforms the Greek government intends to introduce or change will have to be agreed to by these institutions."
Les injonctions de ministres européens vis-à-vis de l'Etat grec : ... t-standoff
"As Greece prepares for a repayment of 300 million euros to the IMF on Friday, which will further deplete its buffers, creditors warn that no bailout disbursements will be made unless the new government meets economic reform milestones. “Before any money flows we need to check whether Athens meets the agreed terms,” German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said in a Wednesday interview with Stuttgarter Zeitung."
Le parti "souverainiste" reste le tributaire d'un maillage de rapports de force qu'il ne peut pas renverser.