(Le TEMPS jusqu'au Conclave étant trop bref,
on est obligé de partager d' URGENCE ce texte original en sa version anglaise.
Merci de la compréhension des lecteurs du FoPo).
People need Free, Conscious + Right Choices. No Dark Lobbies' attempts to manipulate the Church for interests Dangerous to all Humankind !
Pope Benedict XVI was suddenly obliged to quit, in unexpected and unclear circumstances, right in the middle of an exceptionaly crucial Fight with important Issues at stake, which affect 1,200 Billions' Christians Catholics, all Christians and even the entire Humankind.
An astonishing series of various previous Warnings and related exceptional Events, raise Serious Questions, which urgently need adequate Answers.
That's what even the numerous People who rushed to greet Pope Benedict, and/or to the Social Media at the Internet, the Press and Polls revealing that almost Half of the population still Wonders about what really happened, clearly indicate.
The Time really available before the forthcoming Conclave being, in fact, Short, compared particularly to the quantity of Facts and Hypothesis requiring careful Verification, Analysis and Findings of pertinent Conclusions, these Notes are inevitaby Hasty and Incomplete, needing further Exploration and Better Adjustment, but contain a great part of what seems most Essential.
At any case, one thing clearly appears certain : It would be seriously Irresponsible and Dangerous to ignore these Facts, since the way to deal with Pope Benedict's sudden decision, and all the choices which can be made now by the Collective Leadership of the Church will undoubtedly mark the Present and the Future of Christians and all Humanity vis a vis exceptionaly important issues at stake.
Contrary to what claim some who look too eager to push Pope Benedict away from the People, in fact, the Resignation of a Pope has Never happened before in 2 Thousand Years of Christian History !
=> Thus, all these examples clearly show that, in fact, Never Before, at any moment of Church's overMillenary History, a real, unique Pope didn't ever gave any clear Resignation at all, with his own, Free, Personal and direct Decision.
+ Moreover, other Popes lived and worked f.ex. up to 93 years of age, such as Leon XIII, even more than a Century ago (f.ex. 1810-1903), when average Life expectancy and Medical Science were much more Limited than Today. And Pope Benedict is a strong and energetic man who lived close to healthy Mountains for Decades.
In conclusion, what pushed Pope Benedict to anounce his "Resignation" on February 2013, is an Unprecedented event, since nothing equivalent didn't ever happen in more than 2 Thousand Years of Christian Church's History.
Even if, resign, is Moraly and Legally a Right, and perhaps a more Adequate/Efficient way to continue Otherwise his service to the faithful, for a Pope who (due to natural reasons of Age) might really feel his Physical shape less active, than he believes necessary for the important tasks ahead,
nevertheless, the precise Moment and the overall Context in which this happened, leaves anyone who knows at least the essentials, totaly Surprised.
CONTEXT setup :
Big Interests at stake, amidst an on-going Fight :
BioEthics v. Technocracy ?
It's a fact that both late Pope John-Paul II and Pope emeritus Benedict were suddenly obliged to leave at the Vatican a "vacant seat" shortly after having supported concrete Legal Texts against Genetic Manipulations of Human Embryos, while also reportedly preparing to visit European Organizations able to impose Legal/Financial sanctions :
- UNO's Resolution against All forms of Cloning Humans, adopted at the End of 2004 (in the case of late Pope John Paul II), and EU Citizens' 2013 Initiative against EU Funding of activities due to destroy Human Embryos, via Bio-Tech "tests" and/or abortions, (in the case of Pope Emeritus Benedict), respectively.
+ Moreover, Pope Benedict has also been recently involved in expressing support for Popular Movements currently spreading in France and various other Countries, against a Minority's attempts to impose controversial so-called "Marriage" between Homosexuals, which threatens to extend even into unpopular "Adoptions" of Children by Homosexuals, eventually "Subrogate Mothers", IVF, Artificial Inseminations, PreNatal Tests, Sperm and/or Eggs' Banks, and other Medically Assisted Procreation Techniques, dangerously exposing Humankind to Technocrats (See below).
* In particular, Pope Benedict had been strongly elected on April 2005 after a suspicious Death of his famous predecessor John-Paul II, (with whom he collaborated closely for a long time), precisely when the Polish-origin Pope had just been actively involved in a growing Fight against Risks of Genetic Manipulations of Human Embryos and Human Beings in general, starting to act first at the UNO, (with the Adoption of a 2004 Resolution prohibiting also the so-called "Therapeutic Cloning", etc), while, at the same time, he was approaching EU/CoE and other Organizations equiped with Legally/Financially Binding instruments in such BioEthical issues, at key regions of the World.
Pope Benedict started, with bravery, consciousness and intelligence, to give certain among the most important Fights for Human Dignity in History, which are currently coming at a crucial turning point for all Humankind.
* Already at his most famous (and last) Encyclic, (that of 2009 on "Caritas in Veritate" : Love in Truth), Pope Benedict clearly Warned that :
- "A particularly Crucial Battleground in Today's cultural Struggle between the supremacy of Technology and Human Moral Responsibility is the field of BioEthics, where the very possibility of integral Human development is radically called into Question". ..."Unfortunately", "Negative ideologies continue to flourish", despite the fact that late Pope "Paul VI had already Warned against the Technocratic ideology so prevalent today, fully aware of the Great Danger of entrusting the entire process of Development to Technology alone". For Benedict, Technology and Social Morality/Responsibility, particularly on "the Crucial Battleground" of "BioEthics" must go together, and not separated.
+ Even up to the last minute, in his latest Speech at the Vatican, Pope Benedict, with strong Symbolism, underlined a metaphore of the Christian "Church" itself, as "a Living Body, animated by the Holy Spirit", which, "like all living realities, it Develops, it Changes, and yet in the very Depths of its being", it should "Remain the same", because "its Inmost Nucleus".."is of God, of Christ, and of the Spirit".
And in his Intention for "Prayer during March" 2013, (published during his Last Day at the Vatican, on February 28, 2013), Pope Benedict obviously points at the Urgent Need to safeguard BioEthics and Human Nature from various Technocratic risks : - "Respect for Nature" should "grow", including "All Creation", (i.e. also Human beings), becoming "Aware that" it's "God's work, entrusted to (the) Responsibility" of Human Societies, he stressed.
=> "BioEthics" started to be even officially and specifically mentioned by the Vatican as Topic of Discussions in the Widest debate (with 18 participants) among Cardinals at the Congregation immediately after the completion of the presence of all "Electors", (that Pope Benedict set as a Condition for any Decision on the Date of the forthcoming Conclave), when the last expected Elector Cardinal, Jean-Baptiste Pham Minh Mân arrived at Rome from Vietnam, (Today, March 8, 2013).
* In parallel, Pope Benedict was recently involved to -and strongly supported- Popular Struggles currently going on in several Countries accross Europe and all the World, (USA, France, UK, Italy, etc) in order to protect Natural Family and the Natural Procreation of Human Beings, independent of Technocrats, against threats by some Politicians and Minorities to impose a so-called "Marriage among Homosexuals", including unpopular and dangerous "Adoption" of Children by Homosexuals, followed by the exploitation of "Subrogate Mothers", and most probably massive "In Vitro Fertilisations", "Artificial Inseminations", "Fertilisatin Treatments", "Surnumerary Embros", "Sperm/Ovary/Embryo Banks", and other "Medicaly Assisted Procreations", etc., (given Homosexuals' inability to give way to Natural Births without depending on Technocrats), threatening to subordinate a Growing part of Procreations of Human Beings to the Power of Technocracy, with obvious Risks against all Humanity.
It's a notorious Fact that new French President Hollande - linked to a pro-"Gay Marriage" Minority Lobby which is currently attempting to impose against the will of the Majority of French People, and even excluding any serious previous Public Debate, an unpopular Bill on "Gay Marriag", which already includes unpopular "Adoptions" of Children by Homosexuals, pending its possible extension even to "Medically Assisted" (i.e. more or less Artificial) Procreations - was .. the 1st Politician Head of State/Government in the World to publicly "take note" Pope Benedict's "Resignation", immediately after its anouncement on February 11..
* Moreover, Pope Benedict has repeatedly Criticized various Deviations of Bureaucracy, even inside the Church's Hierarchy, including in his Mother Country : Germany, where, during his September 2011 official trip, he denounced the fact that, sometimes, "too perfect Institutions" may risk to keep People away, and supported emerging movements recently creating several New, "Small Communities" with sincerely motivated participants, (almost as back in the period of Early Christianity's origins).
The reason probably wasn't at all the sympathetic ArchiBishop Zolitsch, but rather some petty Bureaucrats hidden inside a complex institution whose HQ are still based in Bonn/Köln, opposed to genuine links with the People.
+ In fact, Pope Benedict's view of Public Institutions' relation to People included also "Dialogue" and "Debate" before final Decisions, as part of Christianism's link to "Reason" and "Truth", together with "Caritas", which should invite to respect the Liberty and Human Dignity of each Person, as well as an at least elementary respect of Basic Human Rights and a People's Historic Roots, (which should f.ex. include Christianism as part of any Definition of Europe's Cultural Identity), resulting, taken all together, into a particularly Topical (given also many Anti-Corruption a.o. pro-Democracy Popular Movements' rise recently in various Countries) type of relation between Institutions and Indivisual persons, which he resumed in a kind of "Listening Heart" :
- Mainly based on "Justice" inspired by "Reason" and "Nature". Because, instead of "reducing" that in a strict "Positivism", which "ressembles a concrete Bunker with No Windows", in fact, "the Windows must be flung Open again, we must see the wide World, the Sky and the Earth", and respond to recent Popular Values "Movements"' "cry for Fresh Air", by realizing that Nature (as f.ex. the Ecologic movement now established) has an inviolable "Dignity" that Man's Responsibility is to respect. Iincluding also "the idea of Human rights, ..of ..Equality of all People before the law, ... and...Responsibility before God" for Man's "actions", "in the acknowledgment of the inviolable Dignity of every single Human Person", as Pope Benedict advised in his landmark speech to the Bundestag, on September 2011.
=> During his 2011 official trip to Germany, at his most official speech at the Bundestag (Parliament) in Berlin, Pope Benedict launched a vibrant Call to the "Ecologic" Movement (a large part of the "Greens", etc), to renew with their Historic Tradition and rediscover also the "Human Nature" currently needing protection in front of several Technocratic manipulation risks, (f.ex. Human Embryos, etc), instead of being limited only to Climate and Plants, Animals, etc.
This was further developed, and started even to be revendicated by growing Popular Movements (such as, f.ex., the recent, January 2013, massive Demonstration of between 500.000 - 800.000 People in Paris in favor of Natural Families and Natural Procreation, followed by a Petition signed by more than 700.000 Citizens asking a Wide Consultation/Debate before a controversial Draft Law attempting to impose unpopular "Gay Marriage" with "Adoptions of Children by Homosexuals, etc. in France, where organizers revendicated "a 1st junction between Popular Movements and the idea of Human Ecology", strongly supported by Pope Benedict, (comp. above).
Similar developments, mutatis-mutandis, emerged recently in the U.S., mainly with a Popular "Values" Movement, against Federal Funding of controversial Genetic Manipulations on Human Embryos, "Gay Marriage", etc., but defending Natural Families, Freedom of Education/Religion for their Children, etc, which unexpectedly gave at the last minute a crystal-clear Majority of 3 Millions Votes more to former USPresident GWBush's brillant Re-Election on 2004, (already under John-Paul II : Comp. above), launched the surprizingly succesful Front-runner candidady of Governor Mike Huckaby in GOP's Primaries of 2008, who was blocked mainly by controversial, Anti-Democratic tricks, like that of "Super Tuesday"'s simultanesous votes in various States, thereby practicaly Excluding Campaigns working thanks to Volunteers and without TV-Adds buying Money, etc.; followed by the even more succesful USPresident Candidacy of Senator Santorum, who managed to Win at GOP's 2012 Primaries even that "Super Tuesday" hard test, heading towards Florida's GOP Final Conference with a very Big Number of Voters, (which, together with that of 2 other, smaller Candidates, already formed a growing Majority of American Citizens' Votes), having already guaranteed Texas a.o. States' win, when, suddenly, an obscure conjuction of GOP Bureaucracy's internal Pressions added also to an unforseen Health problem which hit his already fragile Daughter, pushed him to curiously abandon the race, to the great Surprise and Disapointment of many among his Supporters, several of whom (among the best and more active) even Revolted against such an idea...
+ => EVENTS :
Too many "Coincidences":
Warnings, Incidents, Aggressions, Interferences, Sudden Changes, etc.
* Facts indicate that some Lobbies may have already attempted to hurt Pope Benedict, even immediately after having dared to bravely speak out against some "errors" or negative decisions taken by certain powerful Political/Economic Interests, (who are, in fact, weaker than they look, particularly if more People become really conscious of what is really at stake)..
F.ex. :
- On June 2009, the same Month that he published his most Famous Encyclic ,"Caritas in Veritate", which denounces a Hard Struggle between some immoral Technocrats and People fighting for Human Dignity, over BioEthical issues affecting all Humanity,
and only a few Days after daring Criticized openly USPresident Barack Obama for his controversial Decision of March 2009 to start Funding Genetic Manipulations on Human Embryos, (by cancelling former US President GWBush's AUgust 2001 Decision to outlaw Federal Funding to such activities, as already former US President Clinton had done since 1993, before the "Monica" Scandal allows BioMed. Lobbies to press and obtain a cancellation of his initial move on 1998-99),
suddenly, Pope Benedict faces an Unprecedented "Fall" which "breaks" the bone of his Right Hand, and necessitates an Urgent Medical Operation in a Hospital.
+ Scandalously, during that same Summer 2009, Pope Benedict is even Aggressed Physically by an obscure person from Internationaly linked Switzerland, who Jumps on him and Throws him down to the Ground, (with obvious Risks to Definitively Break the Bones of his Wounded Right Hand : F.ex. an older ArchiBishop who also fell down during that same incident, had his Leg Broken and suffered for Months in a Hospital, during several delicate Medical Operations)... Thanks God, he escapes without serious physical harm, as if out of a Miracle.
* His Brother, Georg Ratzinger, reportedly confirmed that Pope Benedict was led to think about a possible Resignation, already "Months" before the official anouncement of February 2013.
* Going further, Observatore Romano's young Director, reacting to 2013 questions on what might have obliged the Pope to resign, reportedly claimed that the Decision would have been taken as early as since March 2012, (at the return of a Trans-Continental Trip close to the USA, at Mexico and Cuba, during which he faced a Physically Dangerous incident reportedly provoked by a strange "Fall").
* But, already back on February 2012, several controversial allegations and Press Reports, Letters, etc., Warned about an eventual "Plot" against Pope Benedict, in order to "replace" him, which was expected to be triggered around "November 2012", (i.e. close to the US Presidential Elections).
* Astonishingly, It's almost at that precise moment (November 2012) that, according to recent (2/2013) Press revelations, confirmed by the Vatican, Pope Benedict faced a Medical Operation at his Heart, "3 Months earlier", (reportedly in order to regulate a PaceMaker which existed since long), by a Doctor known as part of "the American school" of Medicine, well introduced in Italian High Society, and working at a University with numerous International cooperations particularly with Brazil.
=> 3 Months later, anouncing his Resignation on February 2013, Pope Benedict repeatedly Blamed the fact that, "in the Last Few Months", he felt that his "Strength of .. Body .. has Deteriorated".
* Meanwhile, it's also around February 2012 that Changes were reportedly accelerated concerning the persons who have a Right to Vote inside the Cardinals' Conclave, in case of new Pope. (Among various other aspects, Italian and North American Cardinals were said to have become more numerous than before).
* Soon afterwards, at about April 2012, the "Wikileaks" scandal breaks out, including by targetting a Pope Benedict's Majordomo as suspect for leaking critical Documents to the Press, with reports denouncing facts of Corruption, power games among certain dignitaries inside the Vatican, etc.
* From April/May 2012 up to January/February 2013 and still today, disagreements on crucial and topical BioEthical issues, such as that of "Gay Marriage" (including Unpopular "Adoptions" of Children by Homosexuals, etc), "Euthanasia", Genetic Manipulation of Human Embryos, etc., with the controversial new French President Hollande ("Socialist"), surface in various Letters, reciprocal anouncements, etc., leading also to the most important massive Demonstration of some 500.000 to 800.000 People in Paris against a Draft Law on "Gay Marriage" and even "Adoptions" by Homosexuals, apparently rejected by the Majority of Citizens, (700.000 of whom add on February also a written and signed Collective Petition asking for Public Consultations and Debates before imposing final decisions on so important Moral Issues affecting the Future of Society and Even Humankind.
And since November 2012, the return of Obama to the US Presidency for a 2nd term, (even if Weakened by a drop of - 5 Million Voters Less than on 2008, and a Republican Majority at the House of Representatives, etc), who, meanwhile, added also the "Gay Marriage" controversy to the more important Differend about Federal Funding of Genetic Manipulations of Human Embryo stem cells, (despite their inefficiency in Health matters, and regardless of a NOBEL Prize meanwhile given, on the contrary, to non-controversial, and Health-supporting Adult stem cells), obviously makes Tension grow about the Independence of the Christian Church from National Governments, and its Right and Duty to speak out for what it believes to affect Human Dignity.
* Shortly before Pope Benedict's February 2013, unprecedented "Resignation", a "Black" Series of also unprecedented, or extremely rare, unexpected and surprising Exclusions of various valuable Personalities strongly involved in defending Christian beliefs on certain crucial issues in Society, be it in National or International Politics, Science, Journalism, etc., suddenly breaks out, under differend pretexts :
- F.ex., former French President Sarkozy (who had welcomed Pope Benedict as EU-chairman-in-office on 2008, promissed and did organize large Public Debates before any important Change of BioEthical Laws, respecting at least basic Popular demands, to the point to reveal on 2012 his "surprise for the exteme Pressure and Relentlesslens by some Lobbies" eager to submit Human Embryos to Genetic Manipulations, etc), had his re-election campaign undermined and was excluded from office on May 2012, even if his competitor, Hollande, didn't never found any Majority of voters at all.
+ On December 2012 - January 2013, Italian MEP Luca Volonté, President of the greatest Group of Christian-Democrats/EPP in CoE's Paneuropean Parliamentary Assembly (which includes EU Countries, but also Ukraine, Georgia, Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaihjan and Russia, etc), who had been consistently involved in Family and BioEthical issues, and published on November 2012 in Austria a strong Speech against Genetic Manipulations of Human Embryos, "Same Sex Marriage", etc., was suddenly Excluded, for the 1st time in History, from the New Lists of Candidates of his Party to the February 2013 National Elections in Italy, (under a formalistic Pretext that he has already been elected 3 times), which were Unexpectedly declared after a sudden U-turn of Berlusconi vis a vis Monti, and a disagreement of the latter, anounced at a December 2012 meeting in Brussels in a hurry.
++ At the beginning of February 2012, German long-time Minister for Scientific Research and Education, Annette Schavan, (a mainstream, popular ChristianDemocrat MP of the Governing CDU Party, who had been strongly criticizing "Technocrats", and actively resisting attempts, even by a Mniority inside her own Party, and/or by a group of RST Bureaucrats asking Money without any control including on Disputed and Dangerous Gene Manips in Human Embryos, etc), after being targetted by a .. Mysterious Anonymous Website since June 2012, was finally accused to have copied and plagiarized a Doctoral Thesis that she had written and published more than ....33 Years ago ! The slanderous accusation was made by a Team of Technocrats curently employed by the Dusseldorf University, currently dominated by Bio-Tech lobbies, which has, meanwhile, been involved in more Links with .. Turkey, than with Europe, Russia or America, China, etc., while Shavan has been already attacked by Turkish lobbies in the Past for daring oppose the Islamic Scurf in Public Education outlets, (etc), so that many denounced the fact that such a Personal Aggression "smells badly Politics", particularly coming just a few Months before the September 2013 German Elections... But Schavan was obliged to Resign, pending the outcome of her Application to the Courts against slander and that obviously disproportionate, abusive and unjust personal attack.
+++ A long-time Journalist involved in several Crucial Issues, including BioEthics and Human Rights, told us that he suddenly started to face a never-anounced but Total and repeated Censorship, and was brutaly excluded, without any warning and illegaly, from his 15 Years Media, immediately after he sent on August 2008 an original News Report with Statements from Pope Benedict's Spokesman, father Lombardi, linked to an Article that he had just published with relevant declarations by the Head of the Governing then Party of former French President Sarkozy, as well as related infos on German Chancellor Merkel, indicating that in the forthcoming, June 2009 EU Elections, Pope Benedict's positions would fit well with Sarkozy and Merkel's stance in favor of an "Identity" for Europe, which, inter alia, could also definitively guarantee to a recalcitrant Majority of EU Citizens a protection against recent threats to impose Turkey's unpopular EU entry claims. The only thing he heard was just a word from a Politician, (external to his Newspaper), who Rejected even discussing about any kind of "European Identity" at all, (- "We don't want that !"), and suddenly, his 15 Years of Work in his Media "vanished" even without any previous Warning or indemnisation, immediately loosing even his meager Salary of the latest Months, as if the Newspaper was infeodated to a sly Dictatorship... He managed to publish at least a part of Pope Benedict's statement, (about Religious Freedom, respect of Cultural/Religious Heritage, etc), exceptionaly, at another Media, with which he started to cooperate on 2008-2009, when, suddenly, its Director was ...brutaly Shot and Killed by Bullets in front of his Family Home, in an unprecedented cold-blood Murder on January 2010, which hasn't yet been fully elucidated.. An Application made to a controversial Attorney General (already denounced by various other Victims of Human Rights' Violations to cover up Criminals with Political links), was dismissed without any written reply, and the Journalist started, already since 2009, to face recurrent Threats against his Freedom to work, under various provoked pretexts.
* A Report on the "Vatileaks" affair (about leaking to the Press documents denouncing various forms of Corruption and/or undue External Influence on some parts of Vatican's Bureaucracy, reportedly seeking to purify it from some bad elements), given to Pope Benedict on December 17, 2012, by a Team of 3 Cardinals responsible for relevant Investigations, allegedly denounced some cases of Money and/or Homosexuality-related Corruption structured in a kind of "Network", in front of which, the Aged Pope, cought amidst a "Power battle" for influencing the Vatican, might have thought to Sacrifice himself, by offering, "in the name of God", his own person "as ammunition in this war", by producing a Worldwide Shock by Resigning and launching a call to the Collective Leadership of the Church to find the Truth and elect a New Pope able and willing to really Fight and Win the battle against this Evil, suggested in substance a series of mainstream Italian Newspaper Articles on February 2013.
Even if they were immediately dismissed by officials of the Vatican's administration as attempts to slander at least part of the Church, and even if such Press speculations have apparently committed the Error to omit any Analysis about what would be the most important factor in such kind of Scenarios : I.e. find and denounce the External Lobbies of Dark Interests, Politicians, etc, who might have attempted to corrupt some individuals in order to Influence the Vatican, nevertheless, several Questions remain still without answers.
* At the latest since January 2013, several Public Statements of leading Technocrats involved in Bio-Medical Lobbies, as well as the behavior of some among the worst and most evil Adversaries of People trying to protect Natural Families, Natural Procreation, the Human Embryo and Human Dignity in general, etc., are currently becoming suprisingly Shameless, and they have already been slyly Aggressing (under various pretexts and disguises) one after the other among those who dare oppose their avidity to subordinate Human Persons to their selfish interests, and various hypocritic slanders, pressure, harassment, etc., have been recently attempting to silence Criticism.
* Finally, just one (1) Week before the sudden "Shock" of Pope Benedict's Resignation, anounced on February 11, 2013, he solemnly declared in Public, (during the "Angelus" of February 3 at the Saint Peter's square of the Vatican), his support to the EU Citizens' Initiative for an EU Regulation to protect Human Embryos from destruction and/or other Genetic Manipulations, (known as "One of Us"), which needs 1 Million Signatures from various EU Countries in order to trigger a Legal procedure aiming at an EU Parliament's final Decision, (according to a new possibility introduced by EU Lisbon Treaty, which has just started to work in practice).
The issue can affect Huge Interests of MultiNational BioTech Companies, (concerning particularly a Rich Common Market of more than 500 Millions in the EU), as well as to expose into well known irreversible Dangers the Future of Humankind, (even worse than that already described in Aldus Huxley's "Brave New World", Wells' "the Island of Dr. Moreau", etc).
* It's a notorious Fact that the 1st Politician Head of State/Government in the World to publicly "take note" Pope Benedict's "Resignation", immediately after its anouncement on February 11, was new French President Hollande - linked to a pro-"Gay Marriage" Minority Lobby which is currently attempting to impose against the will of the Majority of French People, and even excluding any serious previous Public Debate, an unpopular Bill on "Gay Marriag", which already includes unpopular "Adoptions" of Children by Homosexuals, pending its possible extension even to "Medically Assisted" (i.e. more or less Artificial) Procreations, threatening to open a big loophole through which Procreation of Human Beings risks to be practically submitted to Technocrats.
+ Moreover, immediately after the surprizing anouncement of Pope Benedict's "Resignation", on February 11, 2013, a controversial group of Foreign, mainly English-speaking, Naked Women called "Femen", (notoriously Paid inter alia also by American Millionaire Soros of Hungarian origin, and a British-Pakistani Businessman, etc), intruded inside Paris' "Notre Dame" Historic Church, loudly disrupting a gathering of faithful, by crying Slogans insulting Pope Benedict and celebrating his departure as a "success" of their recently systematic Aggressions against Various Christian events, (in Moscow, Kiev, Paris, etc), including, recently (on January 2013) a Violent Attack with "Gas", gross Insults, etc., against Families, with small Babies, Children, Women and Old, Aged People, etc., who had just started to Demonstrate against a controversial Draft Law attempting to impose UnPopular "Same Sex Marriage" with "Adoption of Children by Homosexuals", etc., which risks to abandon a large part of the Procreation of Human Beings to Technocrats. (Comp. above).
* In addition to the important Opposition to Obama's controversial Decision to un-freeze Federal Funding for Genetic Manipulations to Human Embryos since March 2009, (by abrogating former US President GWBush's contrary decisions of August 2001, confirmed also on 2006-2007, as already Bill Clinton had initialy done back on 1993, before being pushed to obey to Bio-Tech Lobbies in the middle of the "Monica" scandal on 1998), as well as to his "Same Sex Marriage" 2012/2013 controversial desiderata, (threatened to be followed also by "Adoption" of Children by Homosexuals, "Subrogate Mothers"' Exploitation, IFV, AI, Bio-"Banks" and other methods of subordinating the Procreation of a growing number of Human Beings to Technocrats : Comp. above), and after the exceptional 2009 Physical Incidents against Pope Benedict's Health (see above),
it's also a Fact that the most influential Foreign Politician who rushed to be immediately Present in Rome for Days, until even after the Departure of Pope Benedict, was the new US State Secretary (alias : Foreign Minister), Kerry.
By another "coincidence", Kerry notoriously was the Unsuccesful Democratic Party ("SocialDemocratoc", by European standards) Candidate to the 2004 USPresidential Elections, where all Polls (even the last-minute "Exit Polls") gave him neck to neck vis a vis GOP's Bush, but, unexpectedly, Failed by an Unexpected Big Distance of more than 3 Millions of Votes with whom GWBush outnumbered him at the last minute, in fact because many Simple, Honest, Hard-Working American People of the emerging "Popular Values Movement", realized, almost at the last moment, the Crucial Difference which existed between Kerry and Bush precisely on Bio-Ethical Issues, such as Natural Family, and mainly the acceptance of, or opposal to (respectively) controversial Genetic Manipulations on Human Embryos, Dangerous for all Humanity.
We were among those who know well this 2004 case, since we humbly but actively contributed to this Popular U-turn, (one of the most spectacular and far-reaching in History, which honors a Majority of American People).
Other 2013 Foreign Political participants in Vatican's gatherings during the last Days of Pope Benedict's term and at the eve of a Crucial Conclave were much less "Hot" than Kerry, (such as, f.ex. the Head of Bavaria's federated State, i.e. from the Pope's Fatherland, and of San Marino, the President of Slovakia, etc)...
=> "QUE FAIRE ?"
=> In consequence, Questions and Fears of People (including mainstream Media in various Countries, popular Polls, etc.) that someone might have been trying to "Silence" Pope Benedict right in the middle of a crucial Fight for all Humankind, can only be definitively overcome if his successor is well chosen among Persons sincerely committed, in substance, to the same fundamental Ideals and eager to really struggle for them.
Otherwise, it's obvious that the various recent contradictions, denunciations, revelations, suspicions, warnings, etc., (repeated in Various Media, Polls noting many People's interrogations, etc), about one or another "Plot" and/or "Lobby" targetting Pope Benedict, in order to serve some Dark Interests linked to Lobbies attempting to Manipulate the Christian Church's organisation from the Outside, on certain exceptionaly important Issues at stake, (comp. above), risk to be found closer to a Scandalous Truth, (if it's not even worse)...
In that case, it's not only the Trust of the People which is at stake, but even the Independence and the strength of the Christian Community united in the Church, since those Evil forces which might Hide recently behind such various Aggressions against certain Persons actively engaged in struggles for Christian Values linked to Key issues of crucial importance for the Society and the Future of Humankind, threaten now to become Shameless, think that they could do whatever they wanted, by multiplying and aggravating such Aggressions against even more and more innocent People, Communities and Values, risking to provoke Irreversible Damages to the detriment of the Society and all Humankind.
An error of some Critics (when they were Sincere) or "Whistle-Blowers" who tried to Warn the People and the Church through certain Medias, by Letters, and/or other ways to urgently inform by denouncing attempts to provoke growing upheavals, (some of which seem to have started almost at a foreseen moment : comp. above), apparently was to focus too much, disproportionately on the eventual existence of some more or less Wrong-Doers, perhaps Corrupted, Individuals who had reportedly infiltrated the Institution of the Church, threatening its Healthy and Moral Majority with a series of Manipulations serving Dark Interests :
- I.e. they didn't make it clear enough that, in fact, the main Dangers come from the Outside area, i.e. from some Socio-Economic and/or Political Lobbies' Networks which search to serve exclusively their selfish, Dark Interests, to the detriment of the General Good of the Christian Community, the whole Society and Humankind.
But the Christian Community, together with its closer Allies among the People, can and must Lliberate itself from any eventual Risk of such Dark Influences from the Outside, purifying and ReVitalizing also its own organisation, and, most important, the Values which highlight and stimulate its main Horizon of action.
To put it in a nutshell : The work towards a much needed "ReNaissance" of the Christian Church, in Ideas, Organisation and Action, basicaly faithful to its main Values and Principles, and closely linked to the People, while being Independent from any outside Pressure by Political and/or Economic Powers, as partly prepared by Pope Emeritus Benedict, must be now fullfilled, genuinly realized in practice, by his successor, the New Pope, that this Conclave has the crucial Responsibility to choose and elect.
Meanwhile, if Pope Benedict (and/or his closest Friends) just gives a more clear Signal to the People, Millions, (and soon Hundreds of Millions, when the Word will spread), will rush to Help decisively Win this Fight, and his ideas and friends are able also to make much more allies than it might sometimes seem possible at first sight, because both the Values he defended and the Independence of the Christian Church from any external Political and/or other obscure Influence, really matter to the People.
At any case, it's absolutely important that nobody isolates him from an elementary Freedom to Communicate with the People, and that he's well guarded by really trustworthy and conscious friends, so that he could be able to continue fighting, in another way, less cumbersome, less formalistic, and more adequate to his age which needs to go directly to the essentials, simplifying formalities in order to gain in Substance, thanks also to his experience and wisdom., (as we have already published earlier).
That's why, his Last Words as Pope in Public, in front of an enthousiastic Popular gathering at Castel Gandolfo at the Evening of February 28, 2013, must be respected :
- " I still want, .. with all by Heart, with all by Love, with my Prayers, with my Thought, with all my internal forces, to Work for the General Well-being, for the well-being of the Church and of Humanity". "And i feel very much encouraged (supported) by your (People's) Sympathy. (So) Let's advance Forward, together with the Lord, for the Good of the Church and of the World", Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI clearly stressed in conclusion.
-"Words of Truth are the power of the Church, its Life. The Gospel purifies and renews, bears fruit, wherever the Community of faithful hears and receives the grace of God in Truth and Charity (Love). This is my belief", he left as Legacy for the Collective leadership of the Church and his Successor.
When f.ex. Human Embryo stem cells, taken from Abortions and/or from surnumerary Frozen Embryos produced by In Vitro Fertilisations abused by Homosexual couples, etc., in order to create "Hybrids" mixed with Animal Embryos, (i.e. Human-Mice, Human-Cow/Rabbit" and other Chimeras, etc), reportedly destinated to find ways to boost Brain a.o. capacities for some Rich and/or Powerful clients, etc., are authorized in the UK and some other Countries with notoriously Dangerous loopholes in their BioEthical Laws allowing even the most Risky Genetic Manipulations on Human Beings, (in addition to rapidly growing Nano-Technology, Human-Machine interfaces, as well as parallel controversial research on various other ways to Manipulate in real time Human Brains in order to monitor Persons' Behavior, f.ex. via Waves combined to advanced Optics, Remote Controls, etc), it has obviously become Urgent to Safeguard elementary Human Dignity and the Fundamental Values of a Democratic Society, before it becomes too late.
People and History will never forget the Exceptional Events of 2005 and 2013, which clearly reveal that Urgent Action to Find all the Truth, Think Well, and take the Best Decisions for the Future of the Christian Church and all Humanity, in order to timely Safeguard them from Risks of Dangerous Manipulations by Dark Interests, by being fully Aware of all the Crucial Issues at stake, is urgently needed now.